Love one another

John 15:12

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On September 29 2017 our lives changed in an instant. We lost our sweet boy due to complications from 1p36 deletion syndrome, a genetic disorder Jaxon was diagnosed with in 2015. Jax was born July 26, 2012. Just 3 shorts months later he had 7 seizures in one day. This lead to several days in the hospital and multiple tests. Fast forward about 3 years later through many, many doctors appointments, therapy visits, sicknesses etc. We were referred to and seen by an incredible developmental pediatrician at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. She agreed with us, that Jax was delayed and we should do a more in depth work up. Genetic testing along with micro array genetic testing was ordered. And a month later, but what felt like forever, I received a call from Dr. Williams Arya. Jaxon's testing had came back and he had a rare genetic disorder called 1p36 deletion syndrome. I remember asking Ryan, "what now?". To which he replied " We don't do anything different. We keep loving him and doing what we've been doing. Now we just have a name".
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Jax was the happiest, sweetest, most loving boy. He only used about 15 words but truthfully he didn't need any. His smile was contagious. His laugh could fill a room with smiles in an instant. He loved to "pat heads", mostly kids. He had a joy that spread like wildfire. In 5 short years he taught us so much. But more than anything, he brought us closer to God. He brought us closer as a family. He increased our faith in abundance. We saw miracles every day. The statistics said one thing but God said no, I have more for Jax. It was amazing to watch his progress. To watch God work in such miraculous ways. Jaxon's sleep apnea had gotten much worse. His respiratory issues were getting worse. We knew we had to do something. I was terrified for a tonsillectomy. But I knew it had to be done. God gave me peace over the surgery. Jax had his tonsils removed on Thursday, September 28th. We brought him home. Snuggled on the couch all evening. But I never dreamed that would be our last. God had a plan. He has a far greater plan than we can ever imagine. We trust Him. We know he works all things together for our good. We miss our boy so much and we are very broken. But we know God is right there to hold every broken piece.

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In our grief, God spoke to our hearts, giving us a mission to start "The Eat Cake Foundation" to help the hurting in our communities (and one day around the world). We know that by sharing the love of Jesus, simply and honestly, the way that Jax did, our hearts will keep his memory alive through serving.

"We could use 10,000 words and still not ever make the impact our boy Jax did in just 5 short years. But our actions will speak for us, when our own words just aren't enough." - Tiffany Cook, Jaxon's Mother
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The Eat Cake Foundation was established in honor of our sweet boy Jax.
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Tiffany Cook